
Who we are:

Singularity is a KYC/KYB enabled modular confidential DeFi infrastructure integrated with major DeFi protocols so users can leverage existing on-chain liquidity while their on-chain actions remain obfuscated. Singularity primary users are institutional funds or individuals who want to preserve commercial confidentiality on-chain.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to enable liquid funds, venture funds, and institutions to have discretion and maintain confidentiality of their on-chain strategies.

Tech Stack:

Singularity uses the state-of-the-art UltraPLONK proof system with zero-knowledge circuits based on Aztec's Noir.

Users and Partners:

  1. Institutional funds seeking on-chain confidentiality for their on-chain trades, strategies and token vesting management

  2. DeFi applications seeking on-chain confidentiality optionality for their users

  3. L1 or L2s that desire our tech stack embedded into their ecosystem to enable on-chain confidentiality for their entire ecosystem


Our investors include top tier global VCs and institutional funds: Gumi Cryptos, Nomura's Laser Digital, Apollo Crypto, Digital Asset Capital Management, Comma3, Gandel Invest, UpsideDAO and Eureka Partners.

Last updated